9 News | Simply let pensioners work and pay income tax | Ian Henschke Interview

Bruce Page story courtesy of Nine News.

With the budget being handed down next Tuesday. Australia’s peak seniors body is calling on the Government to make major changes to help older Queenslanders deal with rising costs. Seniors reporter Bruce Page explains exactly what they’re calling for.

At the Redcliffe Senior Citizens Centre. These older Queenslanders are catching up and keeping active without spending a fortune.

The joining fee is $10 and that’s for the year.

Many pensioners welcoming the support dealing with rising prices everywhere.

Every time you go out shopping, it’s risen not by a little bit. It’s usually quite a big chunk.

People are struggling every day.

That’s why National Seniors is calling for action in next week’s budget. Most importantly, an increase to the aged pension. Currently, it’s only reviewed every six months.

When you’ve got runaway inflation, we should index the pension every three months. That way people can almost keep up with the cost of living.

The peak seniors body also calling for pensioners to be allowed to work as often as they want without losing any benefits.

Simply let pensioners work and pay income tax. That’s what they do in New Zealand and it works very well there.

Other urgent issues. They include increasing financial support for pensioners, struggling with rental price rises and increasing staffing levels in aged care.

One of the best programmes that we are suggesting the government could do is train mature age workers to work in aged care and pay them as they do their training. Some of the things we’re suggesting will actually improve the overall economy.

Well, as long as it’s good for the improvement of the country, the good of the country

Bruce Page nine News.

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